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Edit Password
  1. Programs to crack passwords or read them from the network are readily available.
  2. In order to limit the risk of your password being cracked, it should be at least 8 characters long and include letters (both upper and lower case), digits and symbols
  3. You should change your password regularly and always after a trip where you could have exposed your password at a remote site.
  4. NEVER employ your PROXIREACH password at any other site or for private use
  5. Be cautious of attempts to "steal" your password. PROXIREACH's staff, including the Security Team, will never ask for your password (nor will some other legitimate person), so be wary of malicious emails, instant messages and chat that request your password, including via web links. This trick is known as "phishing" (i.e. password fishing)
  6. If you think your password may have been exposed, then change it and inform [email protected]
  7. Keep in mind:
    "Your password should be treated like a toothbrush: you do not share it and you change it regularly !"